Adding a dataset to OpenUp’s CKAN
Step-by-step instructions (see video)
Navigate to in your preferred browser.
Log in if you are not already logged in.
Once you are successfully logged in, click on Datasets at the top of the page.
Once the Datasets page loads, click on the Add Dataset button (just above the search bar).
Once the Add Dataset page loads, start by providing your dataset with a suitable Title.
Next, give your dataset a suitable Description. You can point to external links in this box too, but HTML is stripped out for security reasons.
Once you have added a suitable Description to your dataset, add some relevant Tags — these make it easier to search for datasets.
Next, select the appropriate licensing for your dataset (License definitions and additional information can be found at
Since you are adding a dataset to OpenUp’s CKAN, make sure to select OpenUp from the Organization drop-down list.
Also be sure to set the dataset’s Visibility to public (unless there is reason to keep the dataset private).
Next, add the Source url — this is a link to the original source of the data, not the dataset file you plan to upload.
The Version can be left as 1.0, since it is a new dataset being added to CKAN.
Under Author, provide your full name.
Under Author Email, provide your email address.
Under Maintainer, provide your full name (unless someone else is responsible for maintaining this dataset).
Under Maintainer Email, provide your email address (unless someone else is responsible for maintaining this dataset).
Once you are done, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on the Next: Add Data button (bottom right).
Once the Add Data page loads, click on the Upload button.
Locate your .csv or .xlsx file, and hit upload. Note that more than one data file can be added to a dataset.
Next, give your data file(s) a Name (it will use the file name(s) by default).
Next, give your data file(s) a suitable Description. You can also point to external links in this box too, but as before, HTML is stripped out for security reasons.
Next, specify the Format of the data file(s) being uploaded (i.e., csv, xlsx, etc.)
Once you are complete, click on the Finish button (bottom left).
After a few seconds, your dataset and associated data files will load.
If you click on Datasets at the top of the page again, your newly created dataset should appear at the top of the list.
Last updated
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