Project Implementation

Project Planning

Review Questions

  1. What is the project trying to achieve?

  2. Why?

  3. How will you achieve the aim of the project?

  • What the plan should include

Click here to read more.

If this project is small and contained you may want to do a once-off experiment. Use the Experiment Template for this.

If the project is large you may want to create a Log Frame, a detailed Project Plan (or both), and a number of smaller experiments within the project.

Experiments and Sub-project Plans

Agile, Scrum, and the Lean Startup Method

See here for more.

The Lean Startup Method

Lean startup is a methodology for developing businesses and products that aims to shorten product development cycles and rapidly discover if a proposed business model is viable; this is achieved by adopting a combination of business-hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning.

Learn more about the methodology here or read the book (we have a copy in the office, just ask around).

Stakeholder Management



Team Management

Roles and Responsibilities

Monitoring & Evaluation

Communications & Marketing

Planning Documents

Last updated

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