Online data repositories

Open data portals and platforms

What is a data repository?

A data repository is a large database infrastructure — or several databases — that collect, manage, and store data sets for data analysis, sharing and reporting.

  • A data repository is also known as a data library or data archive. This is a general term to refer to a data set isolated to be mined for data reporting and analysis.

What is open data?

  • Open data is data that is openly accessible, exploitable, editable and shared by anyone for any purpose, even commercially. Open data is licensed under an open licence.

Where to find procurement data in open data portals and platforms?

Following concerns about misuse of funds allocated for emergency spending, The Office of the Chief Procurement produces dashboards which cover spending related to Covid-19 procurement and disaster response funds (such as recepts from flooding in kwaZulu Natal).

While these dashboards are excellent, accessing the underlying data can be tricky. For this reason, OpenUp maintains a repository of data which is collected from the COvid-19 dashboard at Keep The Receipts.

Other important general repositories and resources

Contextualising South Africa

South African Budget Data Portals

Raw data files of procurement data

National Treasury procurement data

The E-tender portal

Auditor-General South Africa


Company information is useful when we are trying to know better about a supplier (its director, areas of businesses etc.)

Other examples of useful data sources or resources

Last updated