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Tender notices, when advertised online, can vary greatly in terms of content and structure. But there are some key similarities to note.
For example, the top line description will usually be published separately and include an outline of the tender details, the unique reference number, contact details for more information, and the deadline.
This is an example from the central eTenders portal.
And here is a similar but less detailed example from the Northern Cape.
The documentation that accompanies this cover page online varies a great deal. Some organisations may simply add an image of their newspaper advertisements along with contact details to get more information.
RFQs may be simple documents that outline services required, while RFPs often have a separate terms of reference and complex technical documentation. Details of how bids will be evaluated in line with the PPPFA should also be included. In the case of complex RFPs, prospective bidders may be invited to join a presentation about the solution required.
What you may not find, however, is the total amount that has been budgeted for in the tender documents. There may be a charge for submitting a tender proposal.