Creating Profile Collections from Point Collections

To create a Profile Collection, scroll down to the POINTS section again, and this time click on the +Add button next to Profile Collections (see Figure 10, below).

On the following page, do the following (refer to Figure 11, below):

  1. Select (from the dropdown list) the Profile which should be associated with your Profile Collection;

  2. Select (from the dropdown list) the Theme you created;

  3. Select (from the dropdown list) the Collection (point collection) you uploaded;

  4. Give your Profile Collection an appropriate Label (this will be displayed on Wazimap NG); and

  5. Scroll down and click Save in the bottom right hand corner.

Currently the Icon and Colour functionalities are not working. These fields can be left empty.

Adding Filters to Profile Collections

As shown earlier in Figure 1, it is possible to filter points based on their attributes (e.g., Responsible Institution). To add filters to your Point Collection, include the attributes you want to filter your points by in the Configuration panel using a filterable_fields array (see Figure 12, below).

Any values in the filterable_fields array that are not attributes of your Point Collection will be ignored.

Adding HTML Field Types

In addition to adding filters, you can define the field type of columns in your Profile Collection to render data according to HTML code. This is particularly useful for linking to additional, external information (e.g., linking to the source of your points).

This requires that the html code be included in your dataset when uploading your Point Collection (see, for example, the code used in Figure 13, below). To define the field type, include the attribute (column) you want to define in the Configuration panel using a field_type array (refer to Figure 12, above).

The HTML code for adding links is:

<a href='url' target='_blank'>name</a>

In Figure 13, above, the url is, and the name is South African Department of Water & Sanitation. On Wazimap NG, in the More Info section of each point’s tooltip, this data will be displayed as hyperlinked text (see Figure 14, below).

In addition to the href HTML attribute, the following are also allowed: class, target, data-*, and style.


If all steps were followed correctly, your point collection will now display on your Wazimap NG Profile (sometimes a hard refresh of the Wazimap NG page is required for changes to reflect). The sections that follow offer some additional information for displaying point collections on your Wazimap NG profile.

Last updated