

  • Label data sources as {{ dataset title }} - {{ organisation }}so that users can more easily find the right data source.

  • Link to the official page about the actual dataset, if one exists, otherwise to the homepage of the source organisation.

  • Prefer writing source names in full, rather than abbreviated. e.g. Our world in data rather than OWID

  • See if they have a preferred way to be cited and try to use that.

Number formatting

Percentage raw data

  • Select Value as the default between Value/Percentage presentation in the chart/table

  • Disable the Value/Percentage toggle


  • Use "" as the format string - as in - don't use the SI unit formatting, because then 0.789 will look like 789m and people will think it means millions.


If you're going to use format strings that format with SI units, ensure you configure no more than 2 decimal places or 3 significant digits, otherwise you could end up with numbers presented as 12.345k and people will misread the . as a thousand separator due to the three decimal places and think this is 12 345 000

Last updated