Profile Configuration

A number of configuration options are available to control how the application is set-up. They can be set in the configuration field of the profile model, e.g.:

Full profile configuration example

Here is an example of how such a configuration might look.

  "urls": [
  "choropleth": {
    "zero_color": "#eeeeee",
    "negative_color_range": [
    "positive_color_range": [
    "opacity": 0.7,
    "opacity_over": 0.8
  "watermark_enabled": true,
  "tile_layers": [
      "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
      "pane": "labelsPanel",
      "zIndex": 650
      "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
      "pane": "tilePane",
      "zIndex": 200
  "layer_styles": {
    "selected": {
      "out": {
        "color": "#666666",
        "weight": 1,
        "opacity": 0.5,
        "fillColor": "#cccccc",
        "fillOpacity": 0.5
      "over": {
        "color": "#666666",
        "fillColor": "#3BAD84",
        "fillOpacity": 0.6
    "hoverOnly": {
      "out": {
        "stroke": false,
        "fillColor": "#ffffff"
      "over": {
        "fillColor": "3BAD84",
        "fillOpacity": 0.5
  "default_panel": "point_data",
  "root_geography": "CPT",
  "site_wide_filters_enabled": false,
  "leaflet_options": {
    "minZoom": 6
  "chart_attribution": "See more at"


"urls": [

This section is used to determine which profile information should be used. It matches the URL of the client application. In this case, a website with as a URL will use this profile. A number of URLs are possible to map to a single profile.


"page_title": "This is a new title"

page_title overrides the title on the frontend.


The chart atttribution variable controls the attribution text on images of downloaded charts. In the example below attribution is set to "South Africa"


"choropleth": {
  "positive_color_range": [
  "zero_color": "#eeeeee",
  "negative_color_range": [
  "opacity": 0.7,
  "opacity_over": 0.8

This section determines the colours used for the choropleths creating in the map explorer.

  • positive_color_range : [lightest color for the positive values, darkest color for the positive values]

  • zero_color: color for the zero value in the legend

  • negative_color_range : [darkest color for the negative values, lightest color for the negative values]

We plot zero on the legend if the minimum value of only positives includes zero, or if the values include negatives and positives.

  • only positives: scale(positive min, positive max) e.g. light to dark brown

  • only negatives: scale(negative max, negative min) e.g. dark to light blue

  • pos and neg: negative scale(negative max, zero colour) positive scale(zero colour, positive max) e.g. dark blue to white to dark brown

  • example config negative: [dark blue, light blue] positive: [light brown, dark brown] zero: white

if choropleth contains positive and negative values, the legend scale is -(max(mag(neg max), pos max)) to max(mag(neg max), pos max)

e.g. values -2 to 20 legend: -20 to 20 -2 is light light blue 20 dark brown


"preferred_childre": {
    "country": [
        "province", "state"
    "province": [
    "municipality": ["mainplace", "ward"],

Previous versions of Wazimap assumed a linear geography hierarchy. The current version allows for a tree-like structure. When a particular level has two potential children, e.g. country might be the parent of both province and state. When a choice is available, the user interface provides the user with a select box to choose which geographies to show. The preferred_children specifies which geographies are the default.

Side panel configuration

In some cases, not all side panels need to be visible. For instance, where no point data is going to be displayed, the point data panel can be hidden. This can be configured using the following:

    "panels": {
        "rich_data": {
            "visible": true
        "point_data": {
            "visible": true
        "data_explorer": {
            "visible": false
    "default_panel": "rich_data"

Each of these values is optional. If it is missing then that panel will be displayed by default.

Customising the tutorial text

It is possible to customise the text and images for the tutorial by added the "tutorial" key as shown below

"tutorial": [
      "body": "This website was developed to enable you to easily find spatial information related to geographic areas. By clicking on the map or using the search bar, you can navigate to an area of interest and find relevant information about it.",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Introduction:"
      "body": "To get started, first select a location on the map or use the search box to find the location you would like to analyse.",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Location Search:"
      "body": "Basic information for your selected location can be found in the Location Panel. Use the buttons to navigate to parent locations.",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Location Panel:"
      "body": "To view rich data specific to the location you selected, open the Rich Data panel in the left toolbar.",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Rich Data:"
      "body": "To add point data to the map, use the Point Mapper to show different facilities in that area.",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Point Mapper:"
      "body": "To overlay compatible datasets onto your location, open the Data Mapper and choose from the available indicators.",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Data Mapper:"
      "body": "Once you've mapped a data-set (eg. gender), use the Data Filter to select a sub-indicator for that data-set (eg. male)",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Data Filtering:"
      "body": "For more information on how to use specific features, look out for tutorial icons. For an in-depth guide on using this site, please see our user manual.",
      "image": "",
      "title": "Learn more:"

Leaflet Options

It's possible to use Leaflet configuration options as described here:

"leafletOptions": {
  "minZoom": 4

Custom styles

Custom styles can be injected through the profile, e.g.:

"style": {
    "location__search_input": [
            "key": "background-color",
            "value": "blue"

To be cleaned up

  • rootGeography: This is the default geography - currently hard-coded as ZA but in time we need to cater for other starting geographies

    • admins to select one of the previously loaded geographies

  • individualMarkerLevels: level at which individual point markers are shown instead of dots

    • admins to select one of the previously loaded geographies

  • defaultCoordinates : currently hard-coded as {"lat": -28.995409163308832, "long": 25.093833387362697};

    • admins to select a point off of the map

  • default zoom level : this defines the zoom level of the map. currently hard-coded as 6

    • admins to select available zoom levels from a dropdown list

  • map selected boundary color and hover over color

    • admins to select colours from predefined swatches (Jen to check with Matt)


translations property consists of key-value pairs. The keys of the translations property(i.e "Point Mapper" in the sample config below) must be added as an attribute(data-i18n) to the element that wraps the text to be translated. This can be done by a developer or a designer in index.html.

//sample config
translations: {
    'en': {
      'Point Mapper': 'Services'

This can also be used to relable terms to be more appropriate to a specifc profile, e.g. presenting the default "points"

as "services"

Translatable Keys :

  • 'No filters available for the selected data'

  • 'No facilities for this location'

  • 'locations'

  • 'Point Mapper'

  • 'View location in Google Maps'

  • 'Select the category, or specific type of point data you would like to overlay onto the map.'

  • 'No points available for this location'

  • 'Point Filters'

Enabling / Disabling Point Marker Clustering

Clustering is disabled in default. Adding the JSON below to the profile config enables clustering.

  "point_markers": {
    "clustering": {
      "enabled": true
  • When clustering is disabled :

  • When clustering is enabled :


Watermark can be enabled/disabled by

  "watermark_enabled": true

default value is true

Adding Cc License

Cc license(© 2023. This work is openly licensed via CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) can be added to the page by

"cc_license_enabled": true

default value is false

Enabling Point Search By Distance

Point search by distance can be enabled/disabled by

"point_search_enabled": true

default value is true

Site-wide Filters

Site-wide filters can be enabled/disabled by

"site_wide_filters_enabled": true

default value is true

Default Filters

Default filters can be set for all the profile indicators in a profile by

      "default_filters": [
          "name": "language",
          "value": "English"
          "name": "gender",
          "value": "Female"

this config will make sure whenever a profile indicator has "language" group, it will be filtered by "English" in default and whenever a profile indicator has "gender" group, it will be filtered by "Female" in default. If the groups or the values are not available for a profile indicator, it will not create any issues or throw any errors. But it will be logged to developer console.

Restricting Filter Values

Available values for a group can be restricted for all the profile indicators in a profile by

      "restrict_values": {
        "age": [
          "15-35 (ZA)",
          "15-24 (Intl)",

this config will make sure whenever a profile indicator has "age" group, the only available filter options will be 15-35 (ZA), 15-24 (Intl) and 30-35 * Key metrics aren't supported in restricted values: Key metrics will not take restrict_values under consideration when calculating metrics.

View Data Whitelists

Default filters and restricting values can be done view-based. This config will override the global default_filtersand restrict_values if the url contains ?view=youth

  "views": {
    "youth": {
      "url": "",
      "label": "youth view",
      "order": 4,
      "default_filters": [
          "name": "language",
          "value": "English"
      "restrict_values": {
        "age": [
          "15-35 (ZA)",
          "15-24 (Intl)",
        "race": [
          "Black African",
          "Indian or Asian"
        "language": [
          "Some other"

View label can be defined using the label key. If label key does not exist, view name will be used as the view label.

Url of a view can be defined using the url key. If url key does not exist, view url will be created as ${current url}?view=${view}. urlmust be an absolute url - not a relative path

order key can be used to order the view options in the dropdown

* Key metrics aren't supported in view data whitelists: Key metrics will still appear even if subindicator is not present in restricted values

Default View Label

Default view label can be defined using the profile.default_view_label

    "default_view_label": "Test view"

If the default_view_label does not exist, the default label will be assumed "Default"

Linking Tabular Comparison

Tabular comparison link can be added using the tabular_link_enabled

    "tabular_link_enabled": true

Default value for tabular_link_enabled is false.

Last updated

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