NGP4 - Format configuration
NG Proposal 4 - Format configuration
Proposed by: Adi Eyal
Date: 2020-09-14
Status: Work in progress
Wazimap-NG Indicators contain different types of numbers that need to be formatted. Some Profile Administrators may want to round floating point numbers to 1 decimal place, while others prefer 2. Some numbers are percentages and should be displayed as such. Currently the Wazimap front-end does not receive sufficient information from the API to help determine the type of number received nor is it possible for administrators to configure the formatting of that number. This NGP discusses a few approaches to resolving this issue.
Proposed Solution 1
Each Indicator may require its own specialised formatting. To achieve
Proposed Solution 1
Proposed Solution 2
Other implications
Whereas indicators can now be mapped using a choropleth. Superindicators cannot since a choropleth can only display one Count variable at a time. This can be addressed by another select box allowing the user to choose the Count variable of interest or mapping multi-count variables could be prevented entirely.
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