Proposed by: JD Bothma
Date: 2022-04-21
Status: Spike probable solution
Using webflow as the frontend framework makes concurrent frontend development error-prone and requires complicated synchronisation between team members to plan changes. It also often requires multiple round-trips between Matt making changes in Webflow, frontend devs trying to use those changes, Matt then having to make tweaks, until it is done. Each change requires a webflow export, sharing a big zip file, requiring an import which may bring surprise changes in the diff introduced by webflow, adding cognitive load to the code review.
The plan thus far has been to introduce React for the next interactive component we need to modify or introduce.
We have added a small non-interactive component successfully using custom Javascript creating requisite markup, and custom CSS in a project-specific CSS bundle.
We are now looking at introducing a frontend framework, or the frontend libraries, needed to eventually be completely free from Webflow in our frontend dev process.
(n) means there can be multiple instances
Page header
Search box
Tutorial button
Panels (on the left)
Rich Data View
Point data summary
Total point and profile (point) collection count
Download all button
Show services button
Point theme card (n)
Profile (point) collection item (n)
Category (n)
Subcategory (n)
Indicator (n)
Filters Section
Point Mapper
Point theme (n)
Enable-all toggle-switch
Profile (point) collection button (n)
Data Mapper
Category (n)
Subcategory (n)
Subindicator (n)
Map Download button
"Map Chip" (Non-modal fixed dialogue for data mapper controls)
"Point filters dialogue"
Breadcrumbs / Profile highlights container
Feedback button
Web components
Maintenance mode, referring to Lit. is a github org of component repos
IMPORTANT: Material Web is a work in progress and subject to major changes until 1.0 release.
Try the Semantic UI component library with React integration
Implement the search/select-one component and style accordingly
Implement the filter-reset snackbar
Do either of them risk breaking styling of existing parts?
Does it look like both approaches to styling scale nicely - Is consistent styling convenient enough with both options as we eventually replace all components on the site?
Interactive/reactive markup library: React
Component library: To be determined - see spike above
Styling/CSS: To be determined - see spike above
State management: custom event system and controller until enough of UI is react that changing to something standard is easier than maintaining the custom approach
Framework: Nothing more than what we have for now. Revisit things like next.js but for SPAs when most of the webflow dependency is gone
Using the same Redux store for multiple React instances (in our case this is probably desirable)